How can Julian help you?

Massachusetts State House

Office Phone: 617-722-1570 | Julian’s Email: | Fax Number: 617-722-1271

Address: Senator Julian Cyr, Massachusetts State House, 24 Beacon Street, Room 111, Boston, MA 02133

Constituent Services

District Director Michael Holcomb would be happy to assist you!

Our state Senate team works to ensure the resources, expertise, and services available across state government are accessible to all residents in the towns in our district. We are available to advocate for you with colleagues at state agencies. While we cannot compel a state agency to make a particular decision, we do work to ensure that your inquiry is understood, that you receive a timely and fair response, and that agencies take appropriate actions to address your needs.

You can reach Michael by email at; by office phone at 617-722-1570 ext. 3, or by district phone at 508-237-7001.

Scheduling Requests

Research Analyst Colin Hennessy is ready to help plan a meeting or schedule an event!

If you need to schedule a meeting with Senator Cyr to advocate for a particular policy, discuss how the Senator can support your initiative, or invite Senator Cyr to an event, please email or call Colin to organize and coordinate a suitable time.

You can reach Colin by email at, or by office phone at 617-722-1570 ext. 5.

Media Inquiries

Chief of Staff Kathleen Patrón can support all questions, quotes, and interviews!

Whether you are looking for a formal quote on a developing issue or a public comment on a bill that is on the move, Kathleen would be happy to field all requests from media outlets, journalists, local news reporters, and anyone on the beat of a story.

You can reach Kathleen by email at, or by office phone at 617-722-1570 ext. 1.